
How to Cook Buckwheat in a Rice Cooker | livestrong

Buckwheat has been used as a traditional porridge in Russia, where it's native, and it was grown in the American colonies by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The Japanese even make their soba noodles from buckwheat flour.

Although still popular in Russia and Japan, buckwheat became less popular in the United States. Buckwheat pancakes are still a favorite among the health conscious, and in recent years kasha, or toasted buckwheat porridge, has been gaining in popularity. Raw Buckwheat Cereal

How to Cook Buckwheat in a Rice Cooker | livestrong

You can cook this cereal on the stovetop, but for added convenience you can use a rice cooker instead.

How to Cook Buckwheat in a Rice Cooker | livestrong

Green Buckwheat Kernel Grains and rice cookers vary, so keep a close eye on the buckwheat during your first batch to make sure that the amount of water or stock is adequate. You may need to experiment to get it just right.